Create Navbar+Tab

Would you know if it is possible to have an action allowing to add an additional tab on a navbar with tabs

Let's take the example of an instant messenger, when I click on a user's name I want a tab and a tab to be created resuming the current discussion

Hey Morgan,

Do you have a visual example (no matter the content...) so we can understand ?

Hi famousmag

I took the problem the wrong way round, is it possible to dynamically create nav bar items, each time a record is added to a table in a database?

I see...

You want to have all the tabs on the left side? (the tabs of the users clicked)

Don't you want to have only 1 tab available that each time you click on a user on the right list, then this user's content will be loaded in this tab?

(It doesn't look like a tab this way but I asked anyway...)

indeed I could display only one that would avoid my problem, but it was to leave the conversions open, but I will perhaps indeed modify my expectation. on the other hand I tell myself that otherwise I could at the bottom of the page a repetition div that would do a bit as I would like

i ll try,


Your first request (open extra tabs on each user click) I think it is doable, but thought that it would be too much to have open all the users clicked...
If you need help on anything just drop it here


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