Create Db Seed with Reference

Hello! Hope you all are well.

Just quickly, I’m trying to create a seed of a table, it works for tables without any relations/references. But doesn’t work for tables with references. I just wanted to check this is the intended functionality, I’m assuming because when seeding it cant confirm referential integrity

Quick Video showing:


Sounds like a bug. Can you click the right-most button in the following bar in your Wappler? That button will expand the log window and show you an error when attempting to create the seed that doesn’t work

And with that error you create a bug report

Thank you for getting back to me apple.

There is no errors, the output is completely empty. Its like the button doesn’t activate a workflow or anything.

Curiously I just experienced a similar issue: when creating a seed, it fails without errors

In my case, the problem was solved by clicking the button “Refresh schema” (right-click in the table name I think) - I had renamed the primary key

George should add some error logging here

Thanks for sharing your solution apple.
For me personally, ive refereshed the all data and such to make sure its up to date and tried different machine. But no luck for me. I have been making some major naming changes, so i wonder if ive created some issues behind the scene im not aware of.

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