CouchDB wont create a DB after adding it from resource services

Hello All.

I use Couchdb/PouchDB. I migrated from Win-10/11 to Ubuntu 24.04
There has been a few bumps.

I got my project running in its container. From resources/services to Add CouchDB Database, it appears to add the service. Now the issue is creating the DB - I've tried so many ways to get to pull the image. I was successful when I created the service - DEPLOYED -- It pulled the image and it shown up in docker desktop --- THEN tried to create the database. Then problems

no matter how many different ways i tried to create a db i would get the red box in the right corner "Error Creating Database". I had to destroy & remove the db so many times and try again. Sometimes Wappler would throw so many of those red errors i had to close the app. The video details what i was doing. Sorry its about 8meg (Site wont accept webm) On Win-10/11 this is the same process and works like a charm.

Im running Ubuntu 24.04 and had a bit of a bru-haha trying to get Wappler and Docker to play nice. With the help of a lot of great people online here - i was successful. Thanks to George, Apple, R4V3N, and Cheeze !!