CouchDB and PouchDB or SQL (postgres) for large scale, complex matching

Hi all,

Like many here i’m sure i’m interested in CouchDB and PouchDB for a few reasons but one strong use-case is as we need to extend our offering to a mobile app this seems like it’ll make that process a little more straightforward.

That said, beyond this use-case; I’d love to hear from the community who have more hands on experience with NoSQL databases.

We are creating a platform that will match talent with jobs, the match will be over 10+ categories. It needs to handle hundreds of thousands to millions of talent profiles and will process the match each 24 hours.

Currently this is being handled with postgres but I can see value in storing the job / profile in a single document rather than the complex normalization we currently have.

I’m currently researching, and exploring this with ChatGPT - hoping to leverage the brain trust here a little in this regard.

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