CORDOVA Build Error! Sigh! Help please?

  • What went wrong:
    A problem was found with the configuration of task ':CordovaLib:generateDebugRFile' (type 'GenerateLibraryRFileTask').

File 'D:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\platforms\android\CordovaLib\build\intermediates\local_only_symbol_list\debug\R-def.txt' specified for property 'localResourcesFil* Try:s not exist.
BUILD FAILED in 5s https://help.gradle.orgack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
15 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 14 up-to-date

Hi @blackelite
What version of Gradle and Java are you running?

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I found a hack. I deleted the first project. Started a new project, moved all .HTML files into the www folder. Then I imported my android folder into Android studio and I emulate and build it directly from Android studio. I still get the error message from Wappler.

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This may interest you @blackelite

I wrote a guide recently on using Capacitor to build Android applications within Wappler. Although not supported it does work really well, and actually builds both in Wappler and Android Studio. Five minute set-up and away you go! There is some talk of replacing Cordova with Capacitor, which initially I was sceptical of, but now, after achieving a successful build I would be more than happy to see it adopted as the replacement.

Epic! Thanks! I’m reading now.

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