Copy to clipboard

I am looking to copy a piece of code for a widget that users need to install in their websites. I want a button that copy the code that they need to paste in their websites.

I see this:

But I haven’t found any documentaron or clue where to start.

Any help??

Hi @Chackmool,
Is quite simple. Add the Browser Component to your page (obviously insure App Connect is added as a Framework). Then assign a Dynamic Action to a button, a paragraph, a heading (or whatever you want to be copied). With this action select the Browser Component and pick Write to Clipboard.

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Sorry forgot to add, you can pick the data you want to copy using the lightning bolt picker.


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but if I want to copy the text inside script or a complete iframe content is possible??

Maybe contain the data you wish to copy within a form text area input?

No unless it is able to be selected dynamically using the picker (can be entered manually also), or you include the full code/content in a form input like suggested above, and that way yes, but as for clicking on the frame itself and copying it, no.

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