wappler 3.6.0, php model, own server, site is live on https://www.eco-trastero.es.
For some reason the cookie notification will not show. I have tried setting it as a modal and as an alert, but it just never shows. I followed the guide on setting up cookies and have done it on a couple of my other sites i created in wappler, but cant get it to show on this site
i have an ssi include (navbar.php) that has the cookie bits in it (like my other sites that work), my app has an ID, i have cookie manager installed, i have a cookie setup called “acceptcookies”
then basically my code is:
<dmx-cookie-manager id="cookies1"></dmx-cookie-manager>
<div class="modal" id="modal1" is="dmx-bs4-modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" dmx-show="cookies1.data.acceptcookies != 1">
on my home page i have tested for the cookie and its just blank