Controlling child pages in SPA page

I’ll preface this by maybe I don’t understand 100% on how to do this exactly. First time I’ve done a SPA page for an admin section. I’m trying to control the child page from the main page. All of the things show up in the picker, ie it shows the form I want to change, or the serverconnect I want to modify. But it doesn’t seem to do what I want. I want to change the form that is hidden on the child page.

With all of the issues I seem to have had with the browser component and the bootstrap5navigation component I didn’t know if maybe there was a bug in there somewhere? @patrick

Hi Baub, which server model is this based on? I ask this because if PHP then it is only a faux-SPA, while in Node this is a real-SPA. This is as I understand it to be.

Can you explain what and how are you trying to change/control?