Continue Audio playback when I leave the page

So I have a video element which actually contains an audio file on my Capacitor Mobile App. When I’m playing the file and navigate to different page, the file automatically pauses…

Now this is what I want to achieve;
When I navigate to different page, I want the file to continue playing in the background.

If possible, I want to have a container which only displays when the file in-play goes out of view , and the container should be able to control the playback.

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated

You’re using Framework7?

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No bootstrap

I don’t know if BS works as same as F7, but what about placing the audio on the main page and not on a content page?
I imagine you can control media on content pages as well.

What about an offcanvas ?

But placed at the bottom

OK haven’t thought about the offcanvas procedure… I will try that approach and update you later.