Content page CSS

Perhaps this might appear quite basic, but I’m struggling to grasp how CSS files work. If I want to have a simple webpage, do I necessarily have to create its layout page? How can I directly link a stylesheet within a content page?

In the CSS panel, I’ve attached a file on content page, but when I test it in the browser, none of the styles are being applied, and in the source code there’s no linked CSS file.

You can attach it here:

Yes but only on de layout page not the content page.

In a SPA setup, the stylesheets need to be attached to the layout page. All content pages attached to a specific layout page will inherit styles from the layout page.

If certain elements on the content page need a separate style, then these can be added on the content page by specifying new styles within the tags <style> some css </style> or by adding classes or IDs to the elements ,that require a different style, on the content page and by referencing these in the main stylesheet to override the default styles.

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