Connection errors displayed in Wappler

I am seeing two connection errors:


The first 401 error is unauthorized, you probably have the Security Provider on that endpoint and are not logged in.

The second is a server error, best to open the page in the browser and check with the Developer Tools what the page exactly returns. Make sure you enabled Debug Mode

I am a shrink by trade. And I am going nuts. I know it is me but all the same, I must be making the same mistake. Definition of insanity: do the same thing and expect different results)

I cannot add SECURITY PROVIDER to the /CI.php page. works and passes the ID_User to
/login browser goto is /CI.php
That loads with an immediate error and the form is unusable.

What is the error that you see? When do you see it? Where do you see it?
What do you mean the form is unusable?

Please just report the exact issues you are experiencing with the exact explanation how to reproduce them, otherwise we can’t be much of a help.

Two points:
1… UN & PW admin34
2… On /CI.php I added the beginnings of SESSION STORAGE MANAGER without completing it ==> can that affect the issue?

I don’t understand what do you mean.
This reply does not answer any of the questions I asked.

What should that mean?

Michael, please report your problems a bit more clear, as more than half your posts make no sense to me.

We were talking about this yesterday and I cannot find it now. I thought it

I have a login page /login.php which has a go to /CI.php (UN & PW admin34)
The login page works but on opening the /CI.php page I see error. I have placed error alerts with different notation (for example ‘errorCI’ or ‘errorLI’ and all I see when the /CI.php loads from a successful login is error. On closing the error sign I see that the parameter from login (ID_User) is passed.
I cannot get the SECURITY PROVIDER ENFORCER on the /CI.php page to Restrict entry.
I have not completed the variable in the SESSION MANAGER – is that important?

I removed the SESSION MANAGER-- no change.

You don’t need any session there Michael.

What is the exact error returned in the server action??

What entry are you referring to? The security enforcer restricts the access to the whole page.

I think you should just follow the login and restrict documentation. The docs are created as detailed as possible and everything is explained step by step.
Following the docs you should have your login and restricted pages and server actions set up in no more than half an hour.

Six minutes.
I redid the page in six minutes. It works.

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