Connect to Zapier and Admin Templates in Wappler

Howdy. Coming from Caspio, bubble and curious how easy it is to connect to zapier or integromat for third party connections? I know I can move data between databases on zapier etc, but have some kind of workflow in Wappler that can connect to other services? Is this possible?

Also, can I import completed bootstrap admin templates into wappler and use them? they are standard bootstrap 4 templates purchased off of themeforest?

Thanks and I look forward to testing wappler before I spend too much time on bubble…


Simple answer, yes.

No idea about first question, not technologies I am familiar with

Welcome Mikey! Wappler can do everything you have listed. You can connect to any data source whether it’s a database or API. It will take some time getting used to the workflow but I’m sure it will be worth the time spent.

There are plenty of docs and tutorials but as you can see it’s an active community here so we all try to help out where we can.

You can use another Bootstrap 4 template. You may find parts which need a bit of playing with. See this thread for more discussion… Recommendation for a good Bootstrap Admin Theme

Thank you for the fast reply… very refreshing. I guess connecting to clicksend or other services will require more programming than third party connectors like zapier… I will check it out.

Thank you for pointing out that link on admin templates… I need to go ahead and pay for a month and test it all out…

It seems time spent here is better than with bubble…

It really depends on what results you’d like to see and what you want to achieve. There are pro’s and con’s to both Wappler and Bubble as explained in the original thread, but I’d recommend you try Wappler for a month and create a demo project or MVP to really test it out.

As for the Admin templates, you might read my comment on:

Welcome to the club! :slight_smile:

I suggest connecting directly to the clicksend API. It’s very straightforward. Happy to help