Connect to DynamoDB

Hi I am working with a DynamoDB AWS Service and I’d like to know if it is possible to connect to this using the direct database connection.
I am seeing only directions for connecting to Amazon RDS in the documentation. Could anyone provide guidance?

DynamoDB is a NoSQL database, and we don’t support those yet in Wappler.

Do you really need DynamoDB? There are much better alternatives.

Hello there, I discussed with my support team about this problem, and our conclusion was that we should stick with DynamoDB. This means that I’d only have to provide Backend with the credentials of the user through a request to their API and BE will return a response that will tell wappler if the user is successfully authenticated or not. Do you think this approach is possible using Wappler?

Well you can always access API endpoints with Wappler and it’s API connector, so yes if you have your database access as ready to go API endpoints you can access them.

It is just that if you are using a relational database that Wappler supports, you can also use our visual query builder and have your API endpoints automatically generated with Server Connect. So it will be all much easier to use.