Confusing HJSON documentation

In the HJSON, the following is confusing: type, module

I don’t understand the difference:

To me it looks like the same

Another example:

What’s the different between name and optionName?

It’s not clear for people attempting to write HJSONs for the first time. I suggest either getting rid of them or putting some images to explain

Also, the lack of IntelliSense (e.g.: TypeScript) definition doesn’t help. It would be super helpful to have a description of each variable as you’re building the HJSON, so you can see those descriptions when using e.g. Visual Studio Code to write the extension

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Well the “name” is the unique name for the control in the ui. It needs to be unique and follow variable naming.

While optionName is the name of the option in the server connect action receiving the value.

optionValue can also use dot notation to auto create nested object structures like group1.settings.value

I had to read your message 5 times in order to understand what you just told

So, the “name” is what’s actually saved in the Server Action JSON, and optionName is what’s passed to the extension code

Will try to check the optionValue thing another time :slight_smile:

yes that's it :slight_smile: