In the older version of Wappler whose actions are still depicted in some Wappler Tutorial docs when a Connection is made to start a Form page, for instance, I would first pick out the connection itself and add it at the tiop of the Design… All it did was specify the basic database connection.
And, though the default was “Serverconnection1” I could SPECIFY the Connector I had created with a name such as “LocalTrainingsDB” and the connection would change from the default “Serverconnection1” to my own “LocalTrainingsDB”.
4.4.5 does not enable me to choose an already named connector file I had saved.
But, NOW I must Add the ACTION or API to save this Connect to Server setting.
However, when I now want to specify an API to Insert field forms to my online table this next form action again specifies that I must dhoose the same API that I defined in Step One.
I am expecting, as the old Wappler, that i do not, and can not, select the actual Action or API i created that will INSERT the fieles to my table.
I am confused. In 4.4.5 I am now specifying the SAME Server Action TWICE at the top of my form. I’m having inconsistent Inserts.
The form may Save to my database the 1st or 2nd rime, but then fail over & over after that.
What is happening when the initial Server Connection file in a page requires assigning the same API that I am going to also set in my next server action which is intended to save the form values that will posted from this form?
What is the way I should be creating this Insert to Table action in a new form page in 4.4.5?
I am sorry but I read your post 5 times and I have no idea what you are talking about.
Inserting records in the database (if that’s what you are asking about) has always worked the same way. Either:
create the insert record server action and then on the page generate the insert record form using this server action and Bootstrap form generator
create your form on the page frst, import the form fields in the server action and manually setup the insert record server action using the imported $_POST variables from the form.
I thinks that @NewMedia is getting confused with the actions of the server side functions, namely the read (query) is a get function which requires a server connect on the front end. The other three functions create (insert), update and delete are post functions which require a form to post the data to the back end.
I have opened up a Wappler project from 2 years ago and am looking at how 4.4.5 offers to convert my old APP STRUCTURE column’s Login Page Connections in that project to RUN FLOWS.
Still not sure what you are talking about.
Flows are flows … nothing needed to be converted or whatever. Your server connect form is a server connect form and not really related to flows.
YES – when I, as I said at the beginning of this post, opened up a previous Wappler project and opened up a Form created (and still in use online) I selected in the APP Structure Tab the first Connection in the form.
At some point shortly thereafter Wappler asked if I wanted to CONVERT the old Wappler connection (string – is that okay?) to the (new 4.4.5) APP FLOWs now used in 4.4.5.
YES – Wappler suggested to CONVERT my old project definitions from wappler in the APP STRUCTURE tab -
It has everything to do with Flows!
I attached the image of what WAPPLER DID AFTER the Conversion
So you had dynamic events applied to the server connect form, but clicked the flows button and then you selected to convert them to flow actions...
Nothing Wappler did automatically.
I still don't understand what your question is about here? You clicked the flows button to edit dynamic events and you've been asked if you want to convert them to flows. You said yes. What is the issue here?
I have opened up a Wappler project from 2 years ago and am looking at how 4.4.5 offers to convert my old APP STRUCTURE column’s Login Page Connections in that project to RUN FLOWS.
And Run Flow is what the conversion in 4.4.5 offered.
And I see that the STEPS in each sequence of a FLOW in the FLOW EDITOR are actually RUN commands.
I seem to be a particular pain to read & understand.
Thank you for always being here, Teodor!
I made the mistake of continuing in this thread -- after Ben made his reply about my onfusion.
THERE are Presentation and Terminology differences between the Wappler I used when I made some online projects -- and now working on new projects a number of key terminologies as Wappler used to show them have changed .. whiich also affects APP Structure views.
Anyway. I am DONE. Thank you for your help and responses.
Wappler doesn't do that. You need to intentionally click on the flows button when there are dynamic events applied to the form/server action for this to happen.