Compiling backend source code

Is there any way to encrypt/compile the backend source code ?
Sometimes, there is a regulatory requirement that the “application” should be hosted on “client-owned servers”.

Deployment Type: Docker
Server Model: NodeJS

@Roney_Dsilva your source code is always with you. You can do it whatever you want:

  1. Deploy application to clients servers
  2. Sync it with client github
  3. Sync it with client FTP
  4. Or save on client Google Drive/Dropbox/One Drive

Wappler is not a platform like Bubble, but software development tool.

Hi @Notum, I was looking for a way against code theft by compiling the code using something like bytenode or pkg

Bytenode is not (yet) part of the Wappler environment. But the beauty of Wappler is its versatility and extensibility. Simply install bytenode and you are up and running.



Any tutorials/articles on how I could implement this for Wappler NodeJS Projects?