Compare two pages

Is it possible with Wappler to compare two pages side by side, one on the right and the other on the left?

Hello, unfortunately this is not possible

You can do this with Visual Studio Code which is free to use and available for Mac.

I needed to do quite a bit of this the other day, looking through server connect files so I could replicate them.
I have Wappler installed on two machines so i opened the same project on both and remote desktop connected the other so i could have two Wappler open side by side to compare.
It was pretty easy like this

There are certainly many solutions to compare two different pages of code. For this problem there are many solutions, I almost always use DreamWeaver, but I wondered if it was possible to do it directly with Wappler.
I note that it is currently not possible.
However, the idea of Wappler on 2 different Mac is suggestive but not comfortable
Thank you all

I use UltraCompare (Mac or Windows) for comparing local files. I still use Dreamweaver to compare local and remote versions of a page (or js or css file etc.). It's a very useful feature and something which could probably be incorporated into Wappler without too much difficulty.

DW doesn't have its own diff utility, but you can configure it to use the program of your choice, such as UltraCompare. It works very well: select two files and choose compare from the right-click context menu or choose to compare with the corresponding file on the remote folder. I imagine it would be a matter of sending paths to the CLI interface (obviously paths which Wappler 'knows').

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