Common node_modules Folder

We’re a dev shop. Have multiple projects running, few archived as well. And we’re moving into NodeJS. And Wappler is our choice of dev tool for over 2 years now.

Having a node_modules folder common within Wappler’s main directory rather than per project makes more sense.
node_modules folder does not gets pushed to GIT anyways, so it won’t matter i think.

The problem with having node_modules folder per project is that we have thousands of files redundant in our local systems and just eats away space. And having too many files would negatively impact performance in long term on SSDs as they have finite read/write cycles - a long shot maybe but every byte matter and every penny matters!

So, the request: config a common node_modules folder for all Wappler projects in a single place rather than project wise node_modules folder.

Good idea. A parent folder for Wappler that contains common stuff would be neat.

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Currently that might sound like a great idea, but we are moving towards project specific node modules. So only the used node modules in the project get included and not just everything.

So then having a own node modules folder per project will make more sense.

but still - consider companies like us - we have multiple projects running and more often than not there are overlaps between packages - there is a significant scope for reducing redundancy of files here!