Comma separated values in database to repeat?

Am trying to take a row within the database which contains a comma separated value and would like to create a repeat to display each of the separated values? Have gone around in circles.

Example of stored data:

Civil Law,Estate Planning and Probate,Real Estate

Would like to display:

  • Civil Law
  • Estate Planning and Probate
  • Real Estate

Any advice on how to achieve this would be supremely appreciated indeed!

You can use the split formatter on the data to return an array and iterate.

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Thanks Jon, have you an example of the syntax? I’m probably just being a kno8head as failing to get anything displayed. I’ll check out the documentation as been a long time since I even thought about using the iterator component!

Appreciate the help, I only get a infinite spinner displaying and can not select a value. Will try and split the data to an array server side. Cheers!

Sorry I’m on the phone.


Cheers Jon no need to apologise, I know its Sunday evening and am blessed to even recieve a reply this time of night!

Still did not work, displays a spinner and can not select a binding. Will try to do it server side as I mentioned, probably a lot more efficient to do it that way.

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