Make a selection in Design view (using App Structure panel)
click Make Repeat Children
code is inserted in the wrong place
Hopefully this will be fixed in the next update, but here’s a clearer example of what I’ve mentioned before. Errors like this happen frequently, making Wappler very difficult to use. Here’s an example.
I’ve created a default table and removed the superfluous rows. I then select the Table Body element (using App Structure panel):
Presumably this happens because the selection in Design and Code view are not the same. The code is inserted according to this selection (but I’ve selected ‘Table Body’):
Wow, restarting, what an experience. Not only is it super-fast but it corrects so many of the application problems that I run into.
However, for the moment I am willing to put up with it when I consider that many IDE’s would not put up with a page containing this number of processes.
Yes, and I’m sure these issues will be addressed - and hopefully more quickly if they are pointed out.
Restarting is not too inconvenient, given Wappler closes and launches so quickly. However it can take a bit of untangling to fix the errrors Wappler inserts into the code, and there’s usually no way of undoing or removing the issues via the App Structure (because selection no longer works reliably in these cases). I’m only working on test pages at the moment; if I were using Wappler for a real project I would find the current situation frustrating. I think the Wappler team are aware of some of these problems - but I don’t know which ones, so I imagine specific examples will be helpful.