Cloning a Git repository fails

Hi everybody,

I just installed wappler on my PC so I can use it on both.
I have pushed my project to my remote Git repository.
Now, I open wappler (6.0.5 stable) on my PC and try to clone my project but I get this warning and the cloning fails…

probably I’m doing something wrong

I’ve followed this:

Can I find what the error is?


  • The Project Name and the Project Folder have to exactly match with my original created on my laptop?
  • My original project is created in a subfolder. Does this has to do something with the cloning?

If anybody has an advice would be much appreciated!

Thank in advance

*Wish you all Happy Holidays :christmas_tree: and health


I think the answer is depending on where the .git folder is, so if you’re clonining a folder which doesn’t have that inside it won’t clone it.

I was having issues with cloning specially when install Wappler from scratch, but it’s difficult to replicate to open a bug report.

What about downloading the repo manually and open it? Worked for me sometimes.

In some cases after succesfull authorize, I found out “Connect to github” toggle doesn’t switch on sometimes, so you can check that too.

Thanks for replying Francisco,

Let me check again to come back

OK, I got it working

The first time opened wappler on my PC and tried right away to clone a Git remote project…
It means no Git repository on my PC :sunglasses:
(I’m so smart!!! Thank God I didn’t try to open a project that I haven’t created yet :rofl: :joy:)

All good, I cloned it and works great