Client side Sum






<p>{{"£", ".", ",", "2")}}</p>


<p>{{price_nonmembers.toNumber().formatCurrency("£", ".", ",", "2")}}</p>

to see which one give a result :slight_smile:

If I take it directly from my data source then it is easy with


but trying to get it from the results inside a repeat is proving to be a little more tricky, will carry on trying a few things and let you know.

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Thanks guys, I’ve done similar in the past with server-side data but it’s the first time trying data from data store and in a repeat. I’m going to try using a table instead to see if that makes any difference

@psweb and @UKRiggers are already helping. But if you look at this link, you can find similar explanations.

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Thanks @s.alpaslan I had seen that article.

I’ve now stripped everything down to basics, a form which contains a repeat based on datastore data. For every item in the datastore it repeats a row.

Each row contains two fields, filmID and lineQty, both of which are currently number fields.

<form id="cartForm" method="post" is="dmx-serverconnect-form" action="dmxConnect/api/order/checkout.php">
    						<div class="row" is="dmx-repeat" id="rCart" dmx-bind:repeat="">
    							<div class="col-12">
    								<div class="row">
    									<div class="col">
    										<input id="filmID" name="filmID" type="text" class="form-control" readonly dmx-bind:value="film_id" dmx-bind:name="record[{{$index}}][filmID]">
    									<div class="col">
    										<input id="lineQty" name="lineQty" type="text" class="form-control" readonly dmx-bind:value="qty" dmx-bind:name="record[{{$index}}][lineQty]">

Further down on the page I am trying to SUM the lineQty fields, so I use;


Which doesn’t return anything. I’ve also tried the following combinations with no luck.




you have wrong id in repeater so it must be dmx-bind:id="‘lineQty’+$index"

<input id="lineQty" name="lineQty" type="text" class="form-control" readonly dmx-bind:value="qty" dmx-bind:name="record[{{$index}}][lineQty]">

and why do you have 2 name attributes. ?? I think you missed it.

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use only dmx-bind:name (dynamic) if you are using it inside repater

Thanks, now changed to:

<input dmx-bind:id="‘lineQty’+$index" type="text" class="form-control" readonly dmx-bind:value="qty" dmx-bind:name="record[{{$index}}][lineQty]">

But still no result

Gave that a try Neil but no output either :pensive:

I’m not sure if this is relevant but as you’re using a data store, could Generated Columns be what you’re missing?


Thanks Tom but I’m using a Form and then a repeat to show the data from datastore, and then I was hoping to run a SUM of all of the values, i.e lineQty fields to show a total.

This seems harder than it should be :thinking:

you miss a few things. For example your repeater id rCart but you use form id instead.
you can use the console for correct syntax . you can see the all items on console .

so this is wrong ->

Life will be easier if you use a datastore component. :slight_smile:

Like this…?

Done with Data Store and repeats, with a sum.

It’s not finished so forgive it for not clearing the form upon item additions :wink:

I’m off out for a little while so may not reply straight away.

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yes that’s exactly what i want to tell.

Yes very similar to this but without the onClick event and for multiple fields pre-filled by a datastore repeat…

The issue is I can’t select the lineQty repeat field. I can only view the first item

Info in this thread might help. I have never got sum expression worked out using the expression builder, just coded it…

Try with


Ok so I finally have this working after a fresh day looking at it;


Is simply what I needed. Thanks everyone, got there in the end :man_facepalming: