Client side formatters issue

@Teodor ,

The client side formatters I prepared for wappler 5.0.4 and nodejs client side formatters do not work. The error messages returned and sample error messages are as follows .

Example formatter 1:
This is an example previously prepared by @patrick and shared at the link below.

dmx.Formatters('string', {
  encodeBase64: function(val) {
    return btoa(val);
  decodeBase64: function(val) {
    return atob(val);

Usage :


Console log :

dmxAppConnect.js:7 Formatter encodeBase64 in expression [address.encodeBase64()] doesn't exist for type string

The reason I am sharing this example is to show that there is no faulty code.

Until the bug is permanently fixed,
Is there a temporary solution?
Sorry for asking support over the weekend.

Using git? You can always go back to a previous version of the dmxappconnect.js file?

For me the custom formatters work. Please check in the network tab that they are actually loaded and the script tag should come after the one of dmxAppConnect.js.

You can also check in the console if the formatters are registered, then should be added under dmx.__formatters.string.

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Yes, I solved the problem over the weekend. Thank you so much .