Clear Form's Data Object (not inputs) on Form Reset

Hey all,

I have a form where users are adding an absence for a student. The absence can be 1 day or span multiple days, they submit the form which generates absences according to their enrolments through a custom module I’ve created, which then displays below the form for verification before submitting.

My problem is, however, when I reset the form on modal hidden, or reset the form with the temporary reset form button you can see in the screenshot, the data doesn’t clear. (The inputs do clear as expected).


Is there any Wappler way to reset the data object on the form? Or, will I need to add a custom js snippet to run on form reset?

Cheers all.

For the time being, I have added the following functions that are working as intended to my custom.js file and call on form reset. The latter was found on StackOverflow.

Function called from form reset

Click to show
function clearformdata(element) {
let getform = findPropPaths(, key => key === element)[0] + '.data';
if(getform.length > 0) {
    function setToValue(obj, value, path) {
        path = path.split('.');
        for (i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++)
            obj = obj[path[i]];
        obj[path[i]] = value;
    setToValue(, null, getform);

Function that finds element path in dmx global object.

Click to show
function findPropPaths(obj, predicate) {  // The function
    const discoveredObjects = []; // For checking for cyclic object
    const path = [];    // The current path being searche
    const results = []; // The array of paths that satify the predicate === true
    if (!obj && (typeof obj !== "object" || Array.isArray(obj))) {
        throw new TypeError("First argument of finPropPath is not the correct type Object");
    if (typeof predicate !== "function") {
       throw new TypeError("Predicate is not a function");
    (function find(obj) {
        for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) {  // use only enumrable own properties.
            if (predicate(key, path, obj) === true) {     // Found a path
                path.push(key);                // push the key
                results.push(path.join("."));  // Add the found path to results
                path.pop();                    // remove the key.
            const o = obj[key];                 // The next object to be searched
            if (o && typeof o === "object" && ! Array.isArray(o)) {   // check for null then type object
                if (! discoveredObjects.find(obj => obj === o)) {  // check for cyclic link
    } (obj));
    return results;

For server connects, there was a reset option added some time ago. Don't think such an option exists for Server connect forms yet. Sounds like a good feature requeset. @patrick?

So for now, you can run JS to clear out the data from object.
DISCLAIMER: Use it only if you know what you are doing, else you might break things.

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Thanks for the clarification @sid, and the disclaimer. I got my path wrong while testing it and left the form object completely empty wondering why nothing was working :rofl:

But the JS above is working for me, so I’ll leave it at that for now and continue on.

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I've just posted about this problem today, April 7, 2022

I'm going to try this but how is it installed and called on a form page in Wappler?
Can I just add it to my custom.js file my page is using?

Heya, I’ve had to remember back to this, but yes. You just pop it into the custom.js file your page is using. Make sure you have both functions. The clearformdata function uses the findPropPaths function. For the element parameter, just use the id string without ‘#’.

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