Clean up after Component removal (good housekeeping)

Would be great if Wappler carried out a cleanup after the removal of Components, their respective scripts and styles removed from the page or the layout, so as not to clutter the head with unnecessary files. Currently they sit around dormant despite the Component being removed. Which is not good practice as they really should be cleared up if not in use.

Votes appreciated! Thank you.


@Cheese, are you trying to steal my glory? :smirk:


I did look before leaping hahaha... Just bumped your request Keith. Does this make it 20 votes now..?


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Oh my gorsh!
This would be amazing. I've tried so many 'test' things that i think my main is about explode with so many script lines.

Lets all pretend were whispering in @George ear while he sleeps....
(no not CREEPY at all... shivers)

Cheers Y'all

While we wait .. does anybody have any idea how to remove modules not needed. I get really nervous doing so, but some of my pages are really bloated.

If i just try removing a mod, it gets added back or asks me its changed.

hmm, curious.


Script and css include files are auto added if you have any have component used on a page or it is listed in the top comment of content pages under the components attribute.

So if you clean both the used components list and includes, they won’t be added back again.

Brilliant !! That worked. T H A N K Y O U George!
I was very hesitant to mess with that - So with that said i can remove any unused tags from the main.ejs page? (this is the last question, promise! Until next year. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)
[Dry humor, its a Texas thing]


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@kfawcett , are you trying to steal my glory? :innocent:


@JonL - Its a conspiracy ! Dang it. Busted! :imp:

Naahh, it just shows great minds think alike :wink:

I did search extensively (although 'housekeeping' i don't recall searching for)

WAIT that was 5 years ago!?!?!?
Yikes. Im not sure what to say.


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Just recently in the beta they added this one and it was from 6 years ago. :rofl:

Oh Wow!

So that's been a request for a while.

I've tried (albeit a bit scared) to remove 'modules' from the top and as many scripts i could but Wappler adds them back - I'm sure there is some project file that holds what has been used. My current project is just so cluttered with modules i don't use .. many i just 'tested' to see if it would work.

oh well, I'll keep my manic ramble to a minimum this time.
(as my fingers vibrate to type more)

Kind Regards