Choice of terminal

Hello team,
I think it would be good if a user can have an option to select the terminal he wishes to use.
I can see at the moment directly cmd.exe is called.
Maybe we can give the user an option in settings where he/she can define the executable he/she wants to use.
eg: pwsh.exe

or alternatively, a command which will be invoked by default when the terminal panel is open. So in case, someone wants to use a different terminal application or set some aliases or anything like that, even that can be achieved.

Actually which terminal is used is defined by the COMSPEC environment variable on Windows and SHELL on Mac/Linux.

So if you want to use a different terminal - just the environment variable to what you want.

I will definitely use that.
@George I have noticed that wappler has alot of such hidden gems which users are not aware as its not mentioned anywhere in the documentation.
Infact, when I google ‘wappler “COMSPEC”’, nothing turns up.

So maybe a documentation sprint is much in need?

Alternatively, maybe we can have a community driven docs/wiki which we all can contribute towards?

Well actually those are system standard defined environment variables that identify the used shell, so we just comply to the standards.

:smile: :+1:

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