Chart (chartJS) Formatting

Hello, I have used Wappler charts and it i working great!
There are a couple of options available, but not much in the way of formatting, style or classes.
How can I best change the following:

  • Axis text color
  • Change the background
  • Add a shade below the line (that’s changing type to Area…)
  • Change line/dot color
  • Choose the animation type (see pic)
  • Add a vertical line on Today.

Would it be by adding a class to the chart ?
Or redefining the class “chartjs-render-monitor”?


Thank you for any idea!

Does anyone have solution for formatting Chart content through CSS?

Hi Fred, I doubt many here have dove into the Charts CSS. I see it as a pretty limited use Wappler feature.

There is plenty of resources on the web though.

It might be a good place to start anyway? Good luck! I’d love to see screenshots of what you achieve.

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