Change url parameter with state manager in routing

@patrick This is only possible when hosting your site on Apache with the htaccess file to write the rules to? Will there be Apache independent routing in future? That we can use with Electron with FW7?

FW7 has its own routing and also uses the history.pushState. No .htaccess needed there and already supported in Wappler.

@Patrick I don’t understand what you mean. How do I implement this? I have this link:


and this routing:

Path: /lesen/:FILEKATID/:filekategorie?
URL: /lesen/index.php

What do I have to chnage?

Route paths should start with ./. Have you tried dmx-bind:href="./lesen/{{FILEKATID}}/{{Filekategorie.slugify()}}"

yes, doesn’t work, “page can’t be found”