Change subscription type

I have a personal Pro license (monthly) which is associated with my personal email address but I now have a freelance coder working for me. How can I give them their own license? Can I change to a Business subscription and give them access? Buying multiple subscriptions is fine but I would like the ability to manage them. Not sure of my best approach so any advice would be greatly welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Simon,

You can change you own license to business and have multiple licenses under it.
The forum email is linked to the licenses e-mail so you can change it here to your business

We can assign the licenses manually and very soon you will also have full control of the assignment yourself at the Wappler Account Manager Online

Hi George,

I can see where to change the subscription model but it is only offering pay yearly, is that correct?


Hi Simon,

We will soon add the licenses upgrade possibility there as well, but for now - it is best to just purchase the separate license under the other account. Is that ok for you?

Hi George,

Sure ok,I will purchase another subscription for the coder that I have.

Thanks for the help

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