Change Notification location for app connect

As you know my name is Brian and I’m a menu clicker :grinning:

It drives me mad that the confirmation notifications when using the menu are in the top right hand corner which covers the menu link (three dots)

Would it not be more logical to have the confirmations on the left (or centre) so the menu option is not covered?

See what I mean?

notifies-location.mp4 (330.0 KB)

I know that your own notifications can be moved, this is the inbuilt Wappler notification which occurs when you use the menu

And actually, I run into this often on the server side where the notification covers up the query options button. Maybe the editor needs a designated location for all notifications? Low on my priority list though.

Yes, but probably a really easy quick fix

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Actually we were thinking for some time already to improve those notifications as they are a bit annoying on that place.

A simple solution will be to just move them on the right bottom side? This is more natural and nondestructive space for such notifications…


That would be great george

Saving with CTRL + S is what I usually do to save, a bit quicker anyways!

Not good in a teaching environment where visual is important, shortcuts are non visual

Updated in Wappler 2.3.1, which moved the notification pop-up in Wappler from the top right hand corner to the bottom right hand corner. :slight_smile:

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Colour contrast is better too!

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