Change navbar background color on scroll

Hello Everyone,

I’m a few days into starting with Wappler and I am starting to realize how powerful Wappler is. The hardest part so far is picking up all the intricacies of the tool.

I am building a static website, with a navbar that currently has a transparent background. What I’m looking to do is set a condition so that when the user scrolls away from the topmost setting the background color changes to a white background. I haven’t been able to find much documentation wise on Wappler or community forums here. But if anyone has any guidance it would be very much appreciated!

I also came across this on stack overflow:

I haven’t been able to figure out how to implement this yet.

This can be done by adding the Browser component to your page and then adding a dynamic attribute - Class Toggle - to the navbar, eg:
dmx-class:bg-danger=“browser1.scrollY.offset > 10”

This would make the navbar turn red after scrolling 10 pixels (using default Bootstrap theme).



That worked perfectly and was so easy. Thanks for the quick response!


I’m glad that helped.

It’s not always obvious what can be done with the various components - and to document all the possibilities would be impossible. In the case of the Browser component, there is a thread here with examples of the many values it can return - which, in turn, might help you consider possible uses.

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Ya, I’m seeing that. It’s those little things that you just have to learn along the way. But it’s nice to have a community here to help people like me out it makes a huge difference!

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