how can i change de class to defined icon, on get de icon field from database?
how can i change de class to defined icon, on get de icon field from database?
Might need some more information.
But generally I just use a simple 'show' dynamic attribute.
<span dmx-show="">
<i class="far fa-check-circle text-success"></i>
like this:
<i class=" fs-5" dmx-class:{{icone}}>
icone have the content i.e.: bi-house-door
Check this teo answer, taken from this post Dynamic Font Awesome icons based on database output:
Try this:
<i dmx-bind:class="fs-5 {{icone}}">
This should be:
<i dmx-bind:class="'fs-5 ' + icone">
tks @Teodor it's worked fine!
Sorry what do you mean about this?
Like as showed with field icone, now a need put the field "caminho" dinamic as show in code above.
Using dmx-bind:href=
tks! i solved!