Change F7 alert title

How can you change the default ‘Framework7’ title of F7 alerts?

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How do you call/use the alert? When using the app connect flow action you can set the title as an option.

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Hi, I got the same issue


I would like to specify the Alert title insted of accepting the website url as the title. I see the answer above to this issue , but, where can I set the option for the title in the app connect flow action. Where is the app connect flow action in wappler?

Simply put, you can’t.

It’s a security measure against phishing and other nasty stuff.

Instead I would suggest a more nicer approach, custom alerts, SweetAlert is a very nice implementation of this.

Browse the examples and test on and find your style. Good luck on your quest!

@0x90 is right, you can’t change it for the browser alert however…

It looks like you’re using Bootstrap - in flows you can use the Bootbox alert, rather than the browser’s built in one. There you can specify a title

Thanks, I am sure there is a story behind that rational. Anyway, to get a look more relevant to the app rather than the website, I guess a modal would do.

Check out the Bootbox alerts - they do what you want without faffing with modals

I did have a look at the sweetalert2, looks good, I presume i just copy the example code into the wappler code replacing the browser alert?

That is correct!

I don’t understand why you would want to load an external library when you can use something that is already built in to Wappler???

e.g. for the success of a form, in Dynamic Events for the form choose the flow option:

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Lack of knowledge on my part is why, but now that you have introduced me to flows, a whole new sub-world has opened up, very interesting.

Anyway before your reply this is the modal version of the error message.


and the Bootstrap Flow Alert version.


About as easy as each other to set up, though I could not see how to set the icon of the Alert, though the title is controllable, just have not needed it this time. I did set the colour of teh alert to danger but the text remained black, oh the button went red, fair enough!

In fact, flows are going to be fantastic. I was wondering how when a user logs in, depending on whether the user is a manager or a staff then the ‘on success’ needs to navigate to a differnt page. Flows looks like being the answer.

They are fantastic indeed. I use them ALL the time :grin:

Great for conditional logic and you can even fire SC calls and page events from them.

thanks for the trick!