Change detected on path tmp/

I'm experiencing some (new) issue on a project that is running on a server..

On some server connect forms I receive this on the server:

PM2          | Change detected on path tmp/tmp-2-1736694134769 for app test_node - restarting
PM2          | Stopping app:test_node id:5
PM2          | App [test_node:5] exited with code [0] via signal [SIGINT]
PM2          | pid=2386887 msg=process killed
PM2          | App [test_node:5] starting in -fork mode-
PM2          | App [test_node:5] online
5|test_node  | App listening at http://localhost:4000

This is something that Wappler use on a server connect form?

Looks like so. If you open your project with VSCode and search "tmp" you'll find some "tmp" folder references. Add a watch exclusion on your PM2 or something (if possible)

Though Wappler does handle it weirdly, the folder is named "/tmp" (in the source-code) instead of "tmp" or "tmp/" - for those that know Linux/Unix this will mess with their heads :exploding_head:

Hello my friend..

Yes.. using --ignore "tmp"
After that no more change detected error, but this appear randomly and SC is not executed..

5|test_nod | Connection Error: Error: Connection lost: The server closed the connection.

Errors like these will haunt you forever, I still get anxiety from those :sob:

I can only gently guide you in your detective work: Is this an error thrown by PM2 or is it Wappler NodeJS printing to the console (and therefore shown in PM2 logs)?

It's a message printed by the output of the node app, not from pm2..

I'm using pm2 logs
There was some maintenance on Digital Ocean, maybe it's related, besides it has completed..

Sorry if I'm throwing too many things, only thing I changed here is that I updated to latest all my assets from 6.8.0 to 7 Beta 14...

The tmp folder error appears now and the app was running for a year without any issues..

@George sorry for the tag, but this is an expected behavior?
I'm getting a 500 because server is restarted each time a SC is called..

PS: Asking because, this app before the update never shown a similar thing.. Maybe it's new? Maybe a bug?

It would help if you put the steps used in that SC, because a simple SC with just Set Value step probably wouldn't cause that. It's one of the steps that's causing a temporary file to be written, maybe some CSV or image manipulation stuff

As simple as this:

Here's a restart without ignore watch and tmp folder was modified right now..


Bumping this, please..