Capacitor with http plugin inserts newline under iOS. Trim fails under login module

With CapacitorHttp plugin installed any form data sent to a PHP API has a new line appended to it, this only occurs under iOS, Android and web do not inject a newline. The newline does not show up in debug console for the sending mobile device (both simulator and real device). The character can be stripped with a trim on the API side except if you are calling a security login module. You cannot call the trim module on the inputs.
This means that all form inputs must be run through a trim and if you want to use the security login module you must first put the username and password into a variables and strip it then use the new variables in the security login module.

Running trim on every input is fairly tedious and may cause conflicts down the line. Thoughts?

Can you show the code or some screenshot?

Here are sone screenshots. If you want code I will have to recreate the backend as its on a protected system.

This is test data that is sent to the backend and stored in a standard mysql db. You can see the newlines added at the end. This only occurs on an iOS application running the http plugin. If I build the same code for Android or web the new lines do not get created.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 2.29.09 PM

Here is the config. Nothing earth shattering.

Here is the data as caught by the console under Safari Dev Tools.

It’s a very strange behavior.
Where does the screenshot comes from?
What’s the output (network/xhr) on the emulator if you use a login screen and you send some values to the server?

The screenshot is from the Safari Dev Tools console. Under iOS If you use the https plugin there is no activity in the Network tab it all shows up in the console.

I think I already know where the problem could come from.
Can you paste the plugin code here? It’s probably in plugins/http.js

var capacitorCommunityHttp = (function (exports, core) {

    'use strict';

    const Http = core.registerPlugin('Http', {

        web: () => Promise.resolve().then(function () { return web; }).then(m => new m.HttpWeb()),

        electron: () => Promise.resolve().then(function () { return web; }).then(m => new m.HttpWeb()),



     * Read in a Blob value and return it as a base64 string

     * @param blob The blob value to convert to a base64 string


    const readBlobAsBase64 = async (blob) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

        const reader = new FileReader();

        reader.onload = () => {

            const base64String = reader.result;

            const base64StringWithoutTags = base64String.substr(base64String.indexOf(',') + 1); // remove prefix "data:application/pdf;base64,"



        reader.onerror = (error) => reject(error);




     * Safely web encode a string value (inspired by js-cookie)

     * @param str The string value to encode


    const encode = (str) => encodeURIComponent(str)

        .replace(/%(2[346B]|5E|60|7C)/g, decodeURIComponent)

        .replace(/[()]/g, escape);


     * Safely web decode a string value (inspired by js-cookie)

     * @param str The string value to decode


    const decode = (str) => str.replace(/(%[\dA-F]{2})+/gi, decodeURIComponent);


     * Set a cookie

     * @param key The key to set

     * @param value The value to set

     * @param options Optional additional parameters


    const setCookie = (key, value, options = {}) => {

        // Safely Encoded Key/Value

        const encodedKey = encode(key);

        const encodedValue = encode(value);

        // Clean & sanitize options

        const expires = `; expires=${(options.expires || '').replace('expires=', '')}`; // Default is "; expires="

        const path = (options.path || '/').replace('path=', ''); // Default is "path=/"

        document.cookie = `${encodedKey}=${encodedValue || ''}${expires}; path=${path}`;



     * Gets all HttpCookies


    const getCookies = () => {

        const output = [];

        const map = {};

        if (!document.cookie) {

            return output;


        const cookies = document.cookie.split(';') || [];

        for (const cookie of cookies) {

            // Replace first "=" with CAP_COOKIE to prevent splitting on additional "="

            let [k, v] = cookie.replace(/=/, 'CAP_COOKIE').split('CAP_COOKIE');

            k = decode(k).trim();

            v = decode(v).trim();

            map[k] = v;


        const entries = Object.entries(map);

        for (const [key, value] of entries) {






        return output;



     * Gets a single HttpCookie given a key


    const getCookie = (key) => {

        const cookies = getCookies();

        for (const cookie of cookies) {

            if (cookie.key === key) {

                return cookie;



        return {


            value: '',




     * Deletes a cookie given a key

     * @param key The key of the cookie to delete


    const deleteCookie = (key) => {

        document.cookie = `${key}=; Max-Age=0`;



     * Clears out cookies by setting them to expire immediately


    const clearCookies = () => {

        const cookies = document.cookie.split(';') || [];

        for (const cookie of cookies) {

            document.cookie = cookie

                .replace(/^ +/, '')

                .replace(/=.*/, `=;expires=${new Date().toUTCString()};path=/`);




     * Normalize an HttpHeaders map by lowercasing all of the values

     * @param headers The HttpHeaders object to normalize


    const normalizeHttpHeaders = (headers = {}) => {

        const originalKeys = Object.keys(headers);

        const loweredKeys = Object.keys(headers).map(k => k.toLocaleLowerCase());

        const normalized = loweredKeys.reduce((acc, key, index) => {

            acc[key] = headers[originalKeys[index]];

            return acc;

        }, {});

        return normalized;



     * Builds a string of url parameters that

     * @param params A map of url parameters

     * @param shouldEncode true if you should encodeURIComponent() the values (true by default)


    const buildUrlParams = (params, shouldEncode = true) => {

        if (!params)

            return null;

        const output = Object.entries(params).reduce((accumulator, entry) => {

            const [key, value] = entry;

            let encodedValue;

            let item;

            if (Array.isArray(value)) {

                item = '';

                value.forEach(str => {

                    encodedValue = shouldEncode ? encodeURIComponent(str) : str;

                    item += `${key}=${encodedValue}&`;


                // last character will always be "&" so slice it off

                item.slice(0, -1);


            else {

                encodedValue = shouldEncode ? encodeURIComponent(value) : value;

                item = `${key}=${encodedValue}`;


            return `${accumulator}&${item}`;

        }, '');

        // Remove initial "&" from the reduce

        return output.substr(1);



     * Build the RequestInit object based on the options passed into the initial request

     * @param options The Http plugin options

     * @param extra Any extra RequestInit values


    const buildRequestInit = (options, extra = {}) => {

        const output = Object.assign({ method: options.method || 'GET', headers: options.headers }, extra);

        // Get the content-type

        const headers = normalizeHttpHeaders(options.headers);

        const type = headers['content-type'] || '';

        // If body is already a string, then pass it through as-is.

        if (typeof === 'string') {

            output.body =;


        // Build request initializers based off of content-type

        else if (type.includes('application/x-www-form-urlencoded')) {

            const params = new URLSearchParams();

            for (const [key, value] of Object.entries( || {})) {

                params.set(key, value);


            output.body = params.toString();


        else if (type.includes('multipart/form-data')) {

            const form = new FormData();

            if ( instanceof FormData) {

      , key) => {

                    form.append(key, value);



            else {

                for (let key of Object.keys( {




            output.body = form;

            const headers = new Headers(output.headers);

            headers.delete('content-type'); // content-type will be set by `window.fetch` to includy boundary

            output.headers = headers;


        else if (type.includes('application/json') ||

            typeof === 'object') {

            output.body = JSON.stringify(;


        return output;



     * Perform an Http request given a set of options

     * @param options Options to build the HTTP request


    const request = async (options) => {

        const requestInit = buildRequestInit(options, options.webFetchExtra);

        const urlParams = buildUrlParams(options.params, options.shouldEncodeUrlParams);

        const url = urlParams ? `${options.url}?${urlParams}` : options.url;

        const response = await fetch(url, requestInit);

        const contentType = response.headers.get('content-type') || '';

        // Default to 'text' responseType so no parsing happens

        let { responseType = 'text' } = response.ok ? options : {};

        // If the response content-type is json, force the response to be json

        if (contentType.includes('application/json')) {

            responseType = 'json';


        let data;

        switch (responseType) {

            case 'arraybuffer':

            case 'blob':

                const blob = await response.blob();

                data = await readBlobAsBase64(blob);


            case 'json':

                data = await response.json();


            case 'document':

            case 'text':


                data = await response.text();


        // Convert fetch headers to Capacitor HttpHeaders

        const headers = {};

        response.headers.forEach((value, key) => {

            headers[key] = value;


        return {



            status: response.status,

            url: response.url,




     * Perform an Http GET request given a set of options

     * @param options Options to build the HTTP request


    const get = async (options) => request(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { method: 'GET' }));


     * Perform an Http POST request given a set of options

     * @param options Options to build the HTTP request


    const post = async (options) => request(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { method: 'POST' }));


     * Perform an Http PUT request given a set of options

     * @param options Options to build the HTTP request


    const put = async (options) => request(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { method: 'PUT' }));


     * Perform an Http PATCH request given a set of options

     * @param options Options to build the HTTP request


    const patch = async (options) => request(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { method: 'PATCH' }));


     * Perform an Http DELETE request given a set of options

     * @param options Options to build the HTTP request


    const del = async (options) => request(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { method: 'DELETE' }));

    class HttpWeb extends core.WebPlugin {

        constructor() {



             * Perform an Http request given a set of options

             * @param options Options to build the HTTP request


            this.request = async (options) => request(options);


             * Perform an Http GET request given a set of options

             * @param options Options to build the HTTP request


            this.get = async (options) => get(options);


             * Perform an Http POST request given a set of options

             * @param options Options to build the HTTP request


   = async (options) => post(options);


             * Perform an Http PUT request given a set of options

             * @param options Options to build the HTTP request


            this.put = async (options) => put(options);


             * Perform an Http PATCH request given a set of options

             * @param options Options to build the HTTP request


            this.patch = async (options) => patch(options);


             * Perform an Http DELETE request given a set of options

             * @param options Options to build the HTTP request


            this.del = async (options) => del(options);


             * Gets all HttpCookies as a Map


            this.getCookiesMap = async (

            // @ts-ignore

            options) => {

                const cookies = getCookies();

                const output = {};

                for (const cookie of cookies) {

                    output[cookie.key] = cookie.value;


                return output;



             * Get all HttpCookies as an object with the values as an HttpCookie[]


            this.getCookies = async (options) => {

                const cookies = getCookies();

                return { cookies };



             * Set a cookie

             * @param key The key to set

             * @param value The value to set

             * @param options Optional additional parameters


            this.setCookie = async (options) => {

                const { key, value, expires = '', path = '' } = options;

                setCookie(key, value, { expires, path });



             * Gets all cookie values unless a key is specified, then return only that value

             * @param key The key of the cookie value to get


            this.getCookie = async (options) => getCookie(options.key);


             * Deletes a cookie given a key

             * @param key The key of the cookie to delete


            this.deleteCookie = async (options) => deleteCookie(options.key);


             * Clears out cookies by setting them to expire immediately


            this.clearCookies = async (

            // @ts-ignore

            options) => clearCookies();


             * Clears out cookies by setting them to expire immediately


            this.clearAllCookies = async () => clearCookies();


             * Uploads a file through a POST request

             * @param options TODO


            this.uploadFile = async (options) => {

                const formData = new FormData();

                formData.append(, options.blob || 'undefined');

                const fetchOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { body: formData, method: 'POST' });




             * Downloads a file

             * @param options TODO


            this.downloadFile = async (options) => {

                const requestInit = buildRequestInit(options, options.webFetchExtra);

                const response = await fetch(options.url, requestInit);

                let blob;

                if (!(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.progress))

                    blob = await response.blob();

                else if (!(response === null || response === void 0 ? void 0 : response.body))

                    blob = new Blob();

                else {

                    const reader = response.body.getReader();

                    let bytes = 0;

                    let chunks = [];

                    const contentType = response.headers.get('content-type');

                    const contentLength = parseInt(response.headers.get('content-length') || '0', 10);

                    while (true) {

                        const { done, value } = await;

                        if (done)



                        bytes += (value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.length) || 0;

                        const status = {

                            type: 'DOWNLOAD',

                            url: options.url,




                        this.notifyListeners('progress', status);


                    let allChunks = new Uint8Array(bytes);

                    let position = 0;

                    for (const chunk of chunks) {

                        if (typeof chunk === 'undefined')


                        allChunks.set(chunk, position);

                        position += chunk.length;


                    blob = new Blob([allChunks.buffer], { type: contentType || undefined });


                return {






    var web = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({

        __proto__: null,

        HttpWeb: HttpWeb


    exports.Http = Http;

    Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });

    return exports;

}({}, capacitorExports));


Can you backup your http.js file and replace it with this one? (4.0 KB)

Been out of town. I’ll look at this tonight.

I replaced the http.js in my js directory and there was no change.


  1. It happens on Framework7? What about using Bootstrap?
  2. It only happens on login? What about a single input -> post action?
  3. If you set the capacitorHttp plugin to false, then the error disappear (trying the simple post action)?

That would be nice! But If you need it, we can use my backend and try a login + a simple protected query.

I have not tried it under Bootstrap.
It happens with all inputs, not just login.
If I set it to false then it does not occur.
It does not occur using the http plugin under Android, only iOS.

These are the two characters that are added. I can strip the line feed using trim() but I cannot get the carriage return even using str_replace() with a \r \n or \r\n.

I’m almost convinced there is something broken in the php backend code that Wappler writes.


This the entry from an iOS device.


This is the same code from an Android device
