Capacitor 4 to 5 Upgrade


Just trying to update from Capacitor 4 to 5 and having a few issues. I am following . I get as far as the screenshot below but can’t find AndroidManifest.xml to change. Is this somewhere different on Wappler? Also am I right in updating these or does Wappler update these automatically?


Yes Wappler executes automatically the capacitor migration cli command when a major upgrade is detected and you are asked to confirm first.

You should also see the output from it in the bottom panel.

Thanks George. This failed for me due to the sql and camera plugin needing changing.

Can I just run these commands manually in the terminal will it have same effect as the update button does nothing now?


Yes indeed just run them manually in a Wappler terminal in the bottom panel

Thanks George that has now ran correctly and updated.

I now have another problem though. After upgrading I can’t naviage to another page using-


Looks as though the #! is added twice has something changed?
