Can't use Display (Show or Hide) with new tagging in picker

I’m probably not using the right terminology in my title. But with the new experimental feature turned on If you select something on your page that you want to show or hide based on if a recordset ‘has items’ you can’t. It expects you to select an expression.

Well Brad, click on a property to add in the expression field, then select the “tag” added there … and then click the formatter icon.
How would the formatter know which expression to format if you don’t select it?

Ok, I will try that. Wasn’t clear that you had to select something. In the current way you don’t have to.

In the current formatter you need to have your cursor in the expression to format it :slight_smile:
We will be improving the new expression “tags” to be automatically selected when you add them.

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Btw the tag changes its color to blue when selected. It’s a nice indication which tells you what’s selected there :slight_smile:

Yeah, hard to get used to. Not sure I like it yet. But will play with it further. :slight_smile:

This has been improved now in Wappler 2.7.2 - the expression you selected should be automatically highlighted.