Can't start iOS Simulator

Hi when I run the build in a iOS simulator I get this error message appear in the output window although everything appears to run fin in the simulator.

ios emulate successfully!
36:84: execution error: System Events got an error: Can’t set process “iOS Simulator” to true. (-10006)

What does this mean?


Been trying some mobile apps with Onsen UI since support here for Framework7 is limited as seen on my other posts. But get the same error.

Well not sure what it is seems the iOS simulator can’t be started. Do you see all the available simulators in the list? Try restarting your mac - seems it helps when the iOS simulator gets stuck

Thanks for the replies. Everything looks fine on the simulators. I was just concerned I would have a problem when it come to submission to the App Store.

Thanks again,

i have tried all the steps as above replies says nothing worked… i still get this error
36:84: execution error: System Events got an error: Can’t set process “iOS Simulator” to true. (-10006)

restarted the mac,
reinstalled the xcode and simulators for ios,
nothing worked!!!

anyone has solutions for this, this error annoying to work with mobile apps, changes not taking effect on simulators.

I think Wappler Team need to put some time to solve mobile app related issues…waiting long time for the proper documentation for mobile development in Wappler., please consider this…

here is the proof…