Can't set server Model

I try to set the server model but it doesn’t work. Wappler shows thus error

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘record’ of undefined at Object.update (file:///Applications/ at Object.yes_callBack (file:///Applications/ at file:///Applications/ at sentryWrapped (/Applications/

I don’t think this is even a feature. They need to disable the server model option for existing projects. :sweat_smile:
Server model selection should work only when creating a new project.

Hm, ok that’s a point, but I defined the project without any server model and then tried to add one …

By the way, it seems like the Hosting Type option in project settings is rudimental too.
I assume all hosting matter is configured in the settings of particular targets.

Changing server models afterwards is indeed not possible. We only allow the change of the project didn’t had any server model before.

Was that the case?

I defined the project without any server model and then tried to add one …

Fixed in Wappler 4.6.2

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