Can't send email using global mailer

So some version ago when the mailer was changed to be in the globals, some emails that were working before stopped working. It looked like someone else was having the same issue here ( Unable to send email using Global Mailer - Wappler General / Bugs - Wappler Community) but I can’t figure out from the posting how to fix the issue.

Here’s what I found:
With the software update, I added a mailer in the globals called “mail” and used the type “server default”, which is what I used before and worked.

The previous mailer was named “mail1”. So I updated some of my email server actions to use the new “mail” mailer. However, when I did that, the emails stopped working.

Funny thing is that those that I left unchanged and have the “mail1” mailer API (which does not exist in the globals) are the ones that still worked. Note that under the mailer properties, the name is blank. The only choice available in the drop-down is the “mail” mailer. If I select the “mail” mailer in the properties, then the email server action stops working.

Did I do something wrong in setting up the mailer in the globals? It seems straight-forward enough.

I don’t think you need the Setup Mailer Step. You are just duplicating your globals I believe.


I deleted the the Setup Mailer Step and the email forms still did not work. But as I was driving home from work I was thinking that maybe the php file was missing. So I just uploaded the API from the globals and now my form works.

Sorry, I feel so stupid. But I’m glad to see that my emails are now working because I have a lot of autoemail responders on my site.