Can't select a newly created modal with dynamic on:click event W4b3

Wappler Version : 4.3
Operating System : Mac
Server Model: Node
Database Type: MySql
Hosting Type: AWS DOCKER

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

I have created a new modal on a content page and saved the page. The modal exists in the app structure.

I should be able to create a dynamic on click event on a button to show that modal.

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

When I create an on click dynamic event from a button the modal is not visible to be selected.

In fact, this modal in question (and I’ve tested with a completely generic unedited modal) has a form within it. The form appears in the dynamic on click event selection options but the modal doesn’t.

Team - I managed to find a solution for this and also the problem. I’m not sure if it’s W4 specific - but essentially, when converting an old BS4 page to BS5 (using the page by page Wappler converter) it doesn’t convert the modal’s correctly, which results in them not opening on click, not displaying as a modal in the pickers and then some styling (notably the close X) being incorrect.

To solve this I had to manually edit the code on each one.

You can merge the other Modal bug reports if you wish as they all relate to the same issue with the conversion.

I had a issue like this I actually somehow solved it by after converting from boot strap 4 to 5 then taking boot strap off completely on the content page back to 4 then re added 5 I’m not sure if this always works but worked for a few of my pages

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I am currently having this problem.

Wappler 4.2.2 IIS and ASP.NET

I have two models on the content page and neither are showing in the actions editor.

I’ll try the Bootstrap fix and see what happens.

Update 1 - Doing as suggested does not resolve my issue.
@George Would you have any suggestions?

Sometimes I install them under another in the app structure by accident, they won’t show up in the picker then.

</the other thing I need></what I need>

instead of </what I need></the other thing I need>

basically one is sitting inside the other in the code and it shouldn’t. Sorry for the basics and not detailed descriptions. i haven’t had enough coffee yet this morning. It seems super obvious but thought I would shoot a reply anyways.

Hi baub,

It doesn’t matter where I place the Modal in terms of its relationship to the App, it’s still not visible in the actions editor when on a routed content page.

Now, If I place a modal on a normal page, i.e. not on a routed content page, then the modal is pickable in the actions editor.
