Can't manually enter API Schema

yeap same issue on 1.9.3…
did you check carefully API schema screen ?
I cant fill manually schema …

Serhat, if you have some problems with the UI please post a new topic.
What’s being discussed here is related to the PUT method for the Server API tools.

yea I want to say not just UI… I am facing same issue … I cant use PUT on 1.9.3…

This is a totally different issue Serhat.
So please explain what exactly happens? You cannot click in the field or is there some other issue?

I will post video …

How can I use source ?? I cant paste response

I see nothing related to API Schema on your video - just some random clicking around. Can you explain what exactly the problem you are having is?

for example; I will use the API PUT method. I need to get a sample response to my shema source for the answer. however, this method does not work with any method.

That’s what George explained already a couple of times:

well you can’t use the schema editor to fetch the schema that requires a PUT operation.

that is why we also have a “Source” option in it.
check from their documentation the JSON that is being outputted and paste it in the “source” panel below the “fetch schema” button (need to expand it first)

ok but there arent PLAY and TRASH buttons :slight_smile:

Good catch :slight_smile: - will be fixed in the next update

This has been fixed in Wappler 1.9.4