I have a mobile app (Cordova original build in 2021) that is iOS and Android. But Android is full of errors and especially Gradle errors. I would like to see if I can completely uninstall all Android references and see if I can add them fresh to maybe be able to fix those errors.
Hey Brad!
Unfortunately not, there are numerous references throughout the application all dependent upon each other. I mean you probably could have a good go at it but as you remove one no doubt it will create a stack of other errors. Until your errors take over the world...
Dang, so my app is dead in the water and I'm SOL. So is there a way to update Gradle? That seems to be where the issue is. At least that is what Android Studio tells me.
You can update Gradle but again it will more than likely flip-out. You should be able to do this through Android Studio. Backup everything though, otherwise you'll need a spare paddle, for when you start to float down that creek... The build may not work in Wappler afterwards though, but may be fine in Android Studio?
More often than not it is easier to simply uninstall Android Studio and install the latest version... In our experience.
Sorry but need to mention that gradle compatibility is related to which jdk version is installed, for example gradle v8 needs at least jdk 17, there's a compatibility table somewhere that I shared few time ago..
Updating gradle it's not complicated, done it a few times but it's hard to tell without seeing the gradle files and all already installed dependencies
Ok, I got my App on Android fixed. What I had to do was create a Capacitor App and move my www project files to it, change all my links to Internal and set 'Credentials' to all my recordsets.
I now have a working app but now I have two projects, one for iOS and one for Android. So twice the work.