Cannot see output on web page, but can in developer view

thanks Teo I will try that

Sorry Teo for being a pain. I think it’s a great idea and the perfect solution. But I cannot implement it

Despite adding one day to the start date under invalid dates it still shows as invalid.

You’re trying to add 1 day to the array, rather than to each value. You may need a custom formatter to achieve it.

Ahh of course BPJ! Can anyone help me with custom formatter? It is beyond my skill set :sweat_smile:

There’s a guide here:

I would suggest making this kind of thing a server-side formatter using the values of the DB query in a ‘Set Value’ step (set to output). Doing it in a client-side formatter can end up executing many, many times (if the values are in a repeat) causing a slow-down on the page. If you want to do it client-side, you could initiate it from a Run Javascript within a flow - trigger the flow on form/server connect on success. That way it runs just once when the form/SC completes.

Thankfully bpj not required. This worked using a repeat on the query

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Is it possible to see the grid of the calendar boxes permanently as a default view?

I have another issue that fits this title.
Probably I pressed something! So on all my pages the data has stopped showing. And looking at the developers view under Network I see that every api files as added some html although it is not in the original file. Anybody have any idea? Thanks

@Teodor can you take a look? Thanks

Are you sure you haven’t added something to the Globals > Steps which is causing this?

I am not sure of anything! Let me check thanks Teo

This is all I have in globals

It looks like probably either some of your globals or the server actions or any of the files in dmxConnectLib have some html code added somehow.
Probably you’ve overwritten some of the files with your own file? Please use the Open in Editor option in server connect for your server actions to see if there isn’t any html code in some of them.

It might be Security Restrict. You’re using PHP, right?

If you use the Security provider with the Security Restrict step, on PHP it doesn’t redirect the user in the Login URL/Forbidden URL it simply returns those pages as the response for the request - those settings are for NodeJS.

Check you haven’t got Security Restrict somewhere with the URLs set - if they are set, remove them and it will return the error code instead (if logged out/forbidden).

Thanks @bpj and thanks @Teodor. I had started setting up a custom formatter as per your suggestion, bpj. But as above I found a different solution but did not remove the custom formatter. Once I removed this everything was fine. Strange as I had deleted the html code in the formatter at the very beginning. but maybe a copy was on the server with the html code and this was breaking everything. All fixed now!