Cannot see Oauth2 data bindings

I am looking for help in using the Oauth2 module properly and have two related questions.

  1. When setting up and oauth process for Xero initially I pasted the Client Id and Client Secret directly into the properties. I now want to bind these to values from a database query so in future if the Client Secret needs to be updated I can change it in the database for other API calls to use as well. The problem is that when I click on the data picker, the data binding window comes up empty. I have tried setting up the query in the API section or as a Global action and both result in an empty data binding window.

When I include Oauth2 Provider and Authorize in an API Action there is no specific option to bind the Client Id and Client Secret to any query outputs.

Is my understanding of how the Oauth Provider should work correct and if so can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?


  1. Oauth Authorisation returns ‘access_token’, ‘refresh_token’ and ‘expires_in’. Does Self Maintain Token Handling literally mean that these values should be written to a table through a Database Update and that refreshing the ‘access_token’ should be done by a separate Database Query followed by an API call without using the Oauth2 module?


If this is correct, what is the purpose of the Access Token and Refresh Token data bindings in the Oauth2 Provider Properties?


I investigated using these but again when clicking the data picker the data binding window comes up empty