Wappler Version : 6.8.0
Operating System : Mac M1
Server Model: Capacitor?
Database Type: TBA
Hosting Type: TBA
Expected behavior
What do you think should happen?
I should be able to create a new Capacitor with Bootstrap Framework project, and then switch to iOS to start working on an iOS app.
Actual behavior
I just get a series of errors. e.g:
If you are experiencing some build errors please make sure to check the Platform Guide for ios:
[fatal] native-run failed with error
[object Object]: Unable to retrieve simulator list: Reduce of empty array with no initial value
More details for this error may be available online: https://github.com/ionic-team/native-run/wiki/Android-Errors
When I perform a system check when 'web' is selected I get:
Checking Capacitor installation and version...
⠙Capacitor is correctly installed.
System check successful!
Then when I click on iOS 5.5.1 in the same list, I get the above error.
Assuming this may be an error as I have not setup 'android' i've tried to build/run a very basic app of a content page in the index.html. When I try to run on XCODE simulator I get a heap of errors and a failed build. I assume I'm doing something wrong in the setup, any pointers appreciated:
XCODE tools are correctly installed, and run fine.
I just restarted everything, and then tried to run the app on a iPhone 15 Pro Max sim from Wappler, this is another error:
The following build commands failed:
CodeSign /Users/matt--/Documents/Documents\ -\
Matts_Mac_mini/Development/WapplerProjects/talent_plat_mob/ios/DerivedData/'UUID HERE'/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/CapacitorCordova/Cordova.framework
(in target 'CapacitorCordova' from project 'Pods')
(1 failure)
Error running your project for ios!
[warn] The bundledWebRuntime configuration option has been deprecated. Please, use a bundler to bundle Capacitor and its
✔ Copying web assets from www to ios/App/App/public in 18.33ms
✔ Creating capacitor.config.json in ios/App/App in 519.33μs
✔ copy ios in 22.26ms
✔ Updating iOS plugins in 355.54μs
✔ Updating iOS native dependencies with pod install in 1.71s
✔ update ios in 1.73s
[info] Sync finished in 1.977s
Important to note that this is a brand new project, I've simply tried to setup a new mobile app (first time) following the Wappler guides - so there is no issue if this project gets lost, I just need to get it up and running!
This remains my error when trying to build:
The following build commands failed:
CodeSign /Users/myuser/Documents/Documents\ -\
(in target 'CapacitorCordova' from project 'Pods')
(1 failure)
Error running your project for ios!
Seems to be a quite common issue with the signing of the build from what I can see. Us Linux bods had a few issues whereby no prompt was shown to enter the root password for sudo purposes for some reason or other, it escapes me, but this sounds similar as in that prompt that should be displayed for you to approve signing is not being shown...
Maybe you previously checked 'Always Allow'? Not sure if there is anyway you can undo such an action so the dialogue is displayed again?
Here are some search results for this issue that may help? I'm not an IOS expert nor an Apple User so don't know if this is in any way helpful, but maybe?
Thank you @Cheese - I've followed this line of search, there are a few options for me to try with xcode on github and apple support that I'll try to see if this is the issue.
I have deleted the above project, and started fresh creating a new project.
Create new mobile project with Bootstrap, and choose Capacitor as the engine
Perform system check and install all that's required (with web target selected by default)
Wait for the install to complete, run a system check to make sure everything is installed correctly - it is
Change target platform to iOS - system check prompt shows, so I run system check and install everything that's required with no errors
Once finished, I run system check again to make sure. All returns as completed successfully.
Add a basic content page to test - save all
Choose iPhone 15 Pro Max (simulator) to run on emulated device, choose run
Receive the following error in Wappler Output console:
The following build commands failed:
CodeSign /Users/user/Documents/Documents\ -\
(in target 'CapacitorCordova' from project 'Pods')
(1 failure)
Error running your project for ios!
I have reviewed, and followed all documentation/instructions from the Wappler team I could find so would appreciate some help here before I go to deep in building the mobile project in Wappler.
IMPORTANT: I have created a Non Wappler project in Xcode. This builds and runs perfectly. It is only the Wappler created project that fails.
I really would like the team to also support this issue, the purpose of Wappler is to do the heavy lifting for development, as well as help non-developers develop.
Cheese: I have gone through that link (Thank you again!) and implemented everything.
I have even taken it one step further and found the specific 'Pods' item in Xcode and set automatic signing for this, too. I setup a team profile, connected my phone, everything is running in Xcode as it should with the necessary certificates, as per the above.
However, even xCode tells me to turn off automatic signing as a recommended update:
@mgaussie sorry I couldn't help. I'm a Linux User and these days only create Android applications (we did do two IOS applications a couple of years ago but that whole Apple application building process is painful in comparison).
I think the Team themselves need to expose themselves to both Android and IOS idiosyncrasies in an aim to improve them. Both are fraught with issues from the get-go. It really needs some intervention and investigation so the Team understand the problems and can improve upon the process. It is FAR from being no-code or low-code and out of the box really does not make for an easy or enjoyable experience. It is messy and frustrating, and I'm saying that having got to grips with both Cordova (which had far less issues) and Capacitor (which has numerous issues), and even Electron now is harder than ever to get working... Hmmmmmmm.
Let's hope Wappler 7 offers some improvements for Mobile in simplifying things for everyone! And in the meantime hopefully one of the Team can step in and help with the issues you are experiencing by trying to build and deploy their own 'test' application for IOS...
I really appreciate your efforts to help @Cheese so please do not apologise.
It really does seem like another example of the team not using what they build. Something the community continues to call for when certain decisions are made (e.g. like removing duplicate response step!). I'm capable enough to launch a app from Xcode, yet when Wappler gets involved it's full with errors.
Thank you - at this stage, i'll just move to FlutterFlow for this, zero team attention is very discouraging.