I have a couple of range slider input fields and everything works 100% except when I have a negative value I bind to the field.
The value resets to 0 on the display if the bound value is less than 0.
Is this something you can fix/add to Wappler front end framework or is it a limitation for range slider fields?
Positive result displays:
I can slide it to a negative value if min is set to less than 0:
But if query refreshes it defaults back to 0:
ROI value is returned from db as -4:

Can you please post your range input code?
<input type="range" class="form-range" id="ROI" name="ROI" dmx-bind:min="-6" dmx-bind:max="6" dmx-bind:value="(serverconnectUserDetails.data.queryPrimaryScenario.roiAdjustment*100)" dmx-on:changed.debounce:600="formROI.submit()" dmx-bind:disabled="state.executing">
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Is there a reason why you are using dynamic attributes with static values?
dmx-bind:min="-6" dmx-bind:max="6"
and not just
min="-6" max="6"
I had it as static. Changed it to see if it makes a difference to the dynamic value working, but result was same as static.
Just change these attributes to static. I just tested and it appears to work fine.
Thanks! Seems I changed multiple items again and lost track of what broke and what “fixed” things.
Appreciate the help!