Cannot authorise Argon2 on NodeJS (4.4.5)

Wappler Version : 4.4.5
Operating System : Mac Monterey (M1)
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: Docker

I’ve just updated to 4.4.5 and a project I have been working on that uses Argon with NodeJS has suddenly stopped allowing login. No matter what I do I get 401 Unauthorised.

This project was working as long as I added "argon2": "^0.28.3" to the package.json file and redpeloyed.

Since updating, I get 401 response even when using the correct credentials. I have validated that the credentials are correct by trying multiple times and also using the same credentials on the production target that hasn’t yet received the update which worked fine.

None of the field references in users and permissions or the data bindings in the login step have been adjusted, just the update to 4.4.5. The Security Provider is still ticked for using password hash and the stored password is argon format.

I looked in the package.json and argon2 wasn’t listed under dependencies so I added it and redeployed but no luck, I still get 401 Unauthorised.

Are the hashes really stored as argon2 hashes in the database? They should start with $ sign

Yes. They have been working fine until 4.4.5

But if you check the password hashes in the database do they really start with $ ?

unzip and place this database.js in /lib/auth and let me know if it works:

Sorry was a small error, try this one: (833 Bytes)

That does the job!

Thanks George

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This has been fixed in Wappler 4.5

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