When attempting to run docker system prune using Wappler 4.9.1 on a Windows 10 machine. I Cannot Access _Host Server SSH due to this - WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! PERMISSION DENIED.
I am assuming the “key” file the error refers to the file located in ~/.docker/machine/machines/PRDXx/key.pem
After many failed attempts using trial and error I discovered a second sets of keys located here ~/.dockermachine/certs/key/pem
After further research I’m not convinced the key.pem is the only file permissions issue. We attempted to use the sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock solution found in the docs however we do not have access to the _Host Server SSH after the error.
I see Wappler v5.0.0 Beta 8 includes “improved the Wappler terminal and SSH connectivity.” but we would really like to update our sites on a Stable 4.9.1 before we upgrade to Wappler 5.x.x
Any guidance or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Sorry, missed the docker part. I had just needed to reset permissions for the new Wappler 5 in creating new remote machines, not docker.
I would think Wappler handles the permissions itself for docker. Perhaps you have tried to copy a target from another machine? I’ve not recently try to do that, I typically create targets from scratch, not clone.
This target PRDXx was created from scratch using Wappler 4.9.1 on Windows 10. The last time I used Host Server SSH to prune was a several months ago using Wappler 3.9.7. At that time there were no security warnings or issues, it just worked. Any guidance to get through the security issue would be appreciated.