When attempting to run docker system prune using Wappler 4.9.1 on a Windows 10 machine. I Cannot Access _Host Server SSH due to this - WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! PERMISSION DENIED.

I am assuming the “key” file the error refers to the file located in ~/.docker/machine/machines/PRDXx/key.pem


After many failed attempts using trial and error I discovered a second sets of keys located here ~/.dockermachine/certs/key/pem


After further research I’m not convinced the key.pem is the only file permissions issue. We attempted to use the sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock solution found in the docs however we do not have access to the _Host Server SSH after the error.

I see Wappler v5.0.0 Beta 8 includes “improved the Wappler terminal and SSH connectivity.” but we would really like to update our sites on a Stable 4.9.1 before we upgrade to Wappler 5.x.x

Any guidance or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

I always set the key files to 600, not 666. Give that a try.

Thanks for jumping on this Ken. I’m on Windows 10 and I believe the key file I need is located here: ~/.docker/machine/machines/PRDXx/key.pem

Is this correct?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry, missed the docker part. I had just needed to reset permissions for the new Wappler 5 in creating new remote machines, not docker.

I would think Wappler handles the permissions itself for docker. Perhaps you have tried to copy a target from another machine? I’ve not recently try to do that, I typically create targets from scratch, not clone.

This target PRDXx was created from scratch using Wappler 4.9.1 on Windows 10. The last time I used Host Server SSH to prune was a several months ago using Wappler 3.9.7. At that time there were no security warnings or issues, it just worked. Any guidance to get through the security issue would be appreciated.

This has been fixed in Wappler 5.0.1

Thank You Teodor, I’ll check it out. Enjoy your Holiday! It is well deserved!!

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