Can you put the workflow in alphabetical order?

i have a list of workflow processes that is quite long. Is there a way to put this in alphabetical order?

Do you mean the order of the actions in the picker panel left?

yes, correct. I have a few in folders and a few that are just in the root directory. looking for a way to put them in alphabetical order so i can find them easier.

Can you maybe take a screenshot of what you mean?

And don’t forget to vote for your own FR. :wink:

sure, see them listed on the left side…i would like to put them in alphabetical order

Wonder if there is a setting somewhere? Mine are and have always been in alphabetical order. Even folder contents is in order.

hmmm…thats exactly what i need.

After doing some testing mine also sorts by case of first letter. It lists all the files and folders with a capital letter first. But I see that’s not the case on yours. I don’t know why yours isn’t sorted. I’m on a Mac, are you on Windows? Maybe thats a difference.

yes, i am using a Windows sysetm.

Even though I don’t have this problem I voted (Don’t forget to vote for your own feature request). I think this is a no brainer and should be added. I can’t imagine having so many actions like you have and not having them sorted.

I think it’s Windows related.

okay, thank you!

I’m on Windows, and I can see (in any project) that server actions are on alphabetical order too.

I also:

  1. Created an api

  2. Refreshed

  3. Sorted:

thats crazy mine doesn’t do that.

Just a thought… is wappler not just displaying them the way windows is ordering them. What happens if you to the folder in windows explorer and change the order in there?

I thought of that too, but I’m on a Mac and it didn’t make any difference how I ordered them in Finder. I’m stumped as to wy the original poster is having this issue.

Neither here.

Me too, I need answers haha
Btw, you both have icons like expanded folder and they’re not.


Currently all files listings, so also the workflow actions lists are just displayed as the OS returns the file list. This can be OS dependent, but usually it is in the order they are created.

Sorting would be useful. Is it something that could be added within Wappler so we can choose?

i did check the folder contents and see that it is listed on the Windows side in order

however, it still does not display the same order on the Wappler side

The windows explorer has its own sorting options that are in place.